WebView Issues on iOS 16.4 and Above

Dear Community,

We encountered a problem working with the webview. Working principle: the user navigates to the webview screen where a site is called that expects 3DSecure payment confirmation, the webview itself makes constant requests and polls the confirmation page (an example of the response we get, but we do not directly control these calls):

  "code": "1",
  "data": {
    "response": {
      "success": "true"
  "code": "1",
  "data": {
    "response": {
      "thisTranId": "8034327064401",
      "mcpResponse": "<Envelope><Header><RequestId>8034327064401</RequestId></Header><Body><Invoke><ActionRs><ActionResult><Item Name=\"Status\">null</Item><Item Name=\"CRes\"><String>someString</String></Item></ActionResult></ActionRs></Invoke></Body></Envelope>"

If the application is not minimized, upon receiving confirmation, a POST request redirect occurs and the user successfully completes the flow. If during the receipt of confirmation, the application is minimized, upon returning the application to the foreground, the expected POST request with the redirect does not execute The problem only arose when users upgraded to iOS version 16.4 and above.

Perhaps with the release of new versions, additional conditions have appeared and it is necessary to add some permission in the project settings or the webview itself?

Best regards, Oleksii Baridn

WebView Issues on iOS 16.4 and Above