Advanced App Clip failing to invoke


We have released v1.2 of our App to the App Store and registered an advanced app clip experience. This has been marked as received (pic 1), and our Associated Domain as been marked as valid on App Store Connect (pic 2).

When scanning a QR code with the associated url, no invocation occurs. Checking the url locally on my iphone in Developer > App Clips Testing > Diagnostics I see that the App Clip is not registered as an Advanced Experience, hasn't been published, and has no associated domains (pic 3). Why is this? On App Store Connect these are all marked as valid, and we have checked all the documentation to verify we have set this up correctly. On v1 of our app we had an advanced app clip and had no trouble. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this some caching issue on apples side or are we missing a step.


Advanced App Clip failing to invoke