Xcode 15 Beta 5 breaks existing RealityKitContentBundle

When using Xcode 15 Beta 5, a project created with Xcode 15 Beta 3 seemingly fails to open any scene within the RealityKitContentBundle anymore while a newly created one works flawlessly.

How can I reregister my bundle?


Probably why Hellow World is still broken, eventhough it compiles now.

Same here. My app was created by beta 2, and calling openImmersiveSpace in beta 5 doesn't work.

Same problem here but it seems that the scene or entity is loaded correctly (can see the objects in the Debugger) from the Bundle but the content is not shown after calling openImmersiveSpace

I've recreated my project with Xcode 15 Beta 5 and some Entities will load from the bundle and some won't which is really weird.

It is a really strange bug. I could fix it with this process (workaround probably not the most efficent).

Create a new project -> Import your code -> Open the realityKitBundle of your new project in reality composer pro -> There you create a new scene where you drag and drop the scene of your old project. The realityKitContentBundle should load now.

Keep in Mind that it also will import the assets for each scene in a different folder. When you have multiple usda files with the same use of assets I would recommend to make a new folder with all of the assets. Then you have to update the references of the scenes and it should work.

I hope I could help you

I tried that and some resources load but some (especially scenes) won't. I haven't noticed a pattern either.

Guys. I fix this issue by this change in my code.

Previously, I was using ModelEntity to load my .usda, and it works fine with beta 2.

In beta 5, loading .usda with ModelEntity is not working. So I change it to Entity and everything works fine.

// changing ModelEntity to Entity
// if let scene = try? await ModelEntity(named: sceneName, in: realityKitContentBundle) {
if let scene = try? await Entity(named: sceneName, in: realityKitContentBundle) {
Xcode 15 Beta 5 breaks existing RealityKitContentBundle