Account flagged for removal with millions of users

Unfortunately my developer account got flagged for removal. Before my app was rejected 3 times, because it was not possible to view the content on iPad.

It's a social app and we blocked all VPNs, emulators and proxies. I assumed this happened therefore.

In the previous 2 months my app got rejected two times because of half-***** user-generated content that wasn't moderated fast enough.

In the appeal I wrote them, that we implemented AWS AI for content moderation, and that we deactivated all security features.

However, this was 9 days ago, and since then no answer. We are a 4 men startup with around 130.000 USD revenue. Biggest success of my life and 6 years of work.

The reason Apple states if violating section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. In this paragraph there are basically all kind of general rules about not misleading people or apple reviewers.

What can I do now to get a faster answer or to safe my apple developer account?

Also: If an apple developer account got removed, does that mean you cannot transfer the app with all its reviews to another account?


Account flagged for removal with millions of users