Keychain password requested after each code update


I'm developing a MacOS application in which I want to store some credentials on the keychain. The implementation is working, but anytime I run the application to test after I made some changes to the code, the keychain requests to enter my password.

Seems like "Always allow" only works until I change the code. It is really annoying, because it is slowing down my development significantly. Any time I make UI changes, if I want to test it I need to enter my 20 character long password...

My application loads data from the network, and the credentials are required every time I run the app, so I can't really disable the keychain during development (or not easily at least)...

Is it possible to make my application as "trusted" during development, so I don't need to enter my password to retrieve the credentials from Keychain?

For reference, I created a GitHub repo that demonstrates the problem:

Each time I change the text in this UI element, I will have to re-enter my password when running the app:

Keychain password requested after each code update