How To Rotate A 3D Model - Vision OS

Hello, how does one add the capability for a user to rotate an object inside the Vision OS? I have tried to add a DragGesture to this to no avail, it will not register. There must be something native we utilize to allow a user to manipulate a 3D Model.

This is how I am putting the model into the scene:

let loadedEntity = try await Entity.load(named: itemName in: RealityKitContent.realityKitContentBundle)
                loadedEntity.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true)

I would add this in a gesture modifier to the RealityView:

I was able to accomplish this with a DragGesture() instead. I was having difficulties with the RotateGesture3D

Model3D(named: "Purse", bundle: realityKitContentBundle){ model in



                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

            } placeholder: {



            .rotation3DEffect(rotation, axis: rotationAxis)



                    .onChanged { value in

                        // Calculate rotation angle

                        let angle = sqrt(pow(value.translation.width, 2) + pow(value.translation.height, 2))

                        rotation = Angle(degrees: Double(angle))


                        // Calculate rotation axis

                        let axisX = -value.translation.height / CGFloat(angle)

                        let axisY = value.translation.width / CGFloat(angle)

                        rotationAxis = (x: axisX, y: axisY, z: 0)



How To Rotate A 3D Model - Vision OS