LocationPushServiceExtension is not calling

I have my own iOS app that works great. But I needed to connect Location Push Service Extension to this application. The steps I performed: I got the entitlement for location push type, created certificates, profiles for this service, then I implemented this service by connecting all profiles to it and adding to .entitlements com.apple.developer.location.push. In the AppDelegate of my application, I create a service that has a CLLocationManager in it, which monitors the departure of the application to the background and immediately calls the startMonitoringLocationPushes method. startMonitoringLocationPushes works fine and gives me APN token. But when I try to send a notification to the device, the service is not even called. The push structure looks like this:

payload: {},
  compiled: false,
  aps: {},
  expiry: -1,
  priority: 10,
  topic: 'ru.profsoft.alertonDev.location-query',
  pushType: 'location'
[headers] {
  'apns-topic': '<MainAppID>.location-query',
  'apns-push-type': 'location'

I use a small service on Node JS to send push notification to APN and it successfully delivers them, and the Apple console also successfully delivers them But when device is successfully gets any location push, service is not calling. I started to use Debug -> Attach to process by PID or Name and got this error:

Thread 1: EXC_RESOURCE (RESOURCE_TYPE_MEMORY: high watermark memory limit exceeded) (limit=24 MB)

But my LocationPushService contains only autogenerated code without any extra implementation. Also I checked Console and found these errors when I delivered push to the device:

This is first error's description:

Failed to get LSApplicationRecord for <RBSLaunchRequest| xpcservice<ru.profsoft.alertonDev.AlertonLocationPushServiceDev([osservice<com.apple.locationpushd>:201])>; "Launching extension ru.profsoft.alertonDev.AlertonLocationPushServiceDev(BB972E40-8E19-48D5-B05D-13A5D9D7005B) for host 201"> with error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 "(null)" UserInfo={_LSLine=1538, _LSFunction=runEvaluator}

Can anybody help with this?

LocationPushServiceExtension is not calling