App Review Unresposnive button

Hi, I recived for my app the following rejection with a comment:

We discovered one or more bugs in your app. Specifically, the “Login” button was unresponsive.

I attached the screenshot, here.

As you can see from the screenshot the login button is Responsive... but why App Review say not?

If you disagree with the outcome of our review, you may consider submitting an appeal to the App Review Board.

When filing your appeal, make sure to:

  • Provide specific reasons why you believe your app complies with the App Store Review Guidelines.
  • Submit only one appeal per rejection.
  • Respond to any requests for additional information before submitting an appeal.

The App Review Board will contact you directly as soon as they've completed their investigation.

Hi, I guess, I am having the same problem here.

Have you found a solution and can help me cut corners?


App Review Unresposnive button