APP review Rejected for iPad, OS version 16.6

Hi. My app is already in the App Store. but I need to change the homepage UI of my app. After changing the UI when I submit the app for review, the reviewer rejected the app saying

**"We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue.

Review device details:

  • Device type: iPad
  • OS version: iOS 16.6"**

but I have successfully built this app after changing the UI. no issue occurred in:

  • iPhone 14 pro (simulator) os version 16.4,

  • iPad Pro 6 gen (simulator) os version 16.4

  • iPhone 13 Pro (physical device) os version 16.6

  • iPad Pro (simulator) os version 17

the app is running from all these devices without any crashing issues.

but the reviewer said that they can't review the app because of the crash on launch issue.

I am attaching the crash reports in the attachment.



can anyone give me any solution? or explain to me why is this issue happening for this specific version?

The logs indicate a crash in the runtime components of the 3rd party development environment you're using. This could be an incompatibility between your tools version and the most recent iOS versions, so I recommend you check in with the support channel for the development tool.

I am too using Flutter for this app development. The crash also happened to the same device as yours: iPad OS version 16.6, despite being an iPhone only app.

I've analyzed my crash logs and it seems a problem in my AWS Amplify libraries. But this seems to only happen on iPad.

The worst part is that I cannot find OS 16.6 simulators versions on Xcode to test on iPad. I've tried updating my Xcode and my Mac but I still can't find 16.6 simulators, so I'm presuming OS 16.4 is giving the support we need to test apps.

Also, my app works normally on iOS 16.6 physical device.

This maybe a problem with flutter and the new OS version.

Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there any way to avoid iPad testing in App Review?

I have the same issue with "Device type: iPad mOS version: iOS 16.6" but in this case is try to loggin with Sign in Apple and apparently this does not work. The worst i can not test with this kind of device becasue my mc m1 do not found this version.

APP review Rejected for iPad, OS version 16.6