Web app crashes only on iPadOS

My team is working on creating a web app which is working great on all tested devices except iPad (4GB RAM). In safari (or chrome) on iPad the web app crashes on pretty much any page after spam clicking through the app for a minute or so. Looking at the jetsam logs, the process that is being killed is consistently com.apple.WebKit.GPU due to "highwater". The memory usage of this process at the time of crashing ranges from 316MB to 522MB.

What steps would you suggest next to diagnose the root cause? We are testing out a bunch of different changes to improve overall memory management and performance of the app, but I'm wondering if there is a way to find exactly what is taking up memory instead of brute-force solutioning, and why is it always the GPU process that is being killed?

It's hard to say why this is happening without being able to reproduce the issue with some analysis tools. Please use Feedback Assistant to file an issue for this problem. Ideally we'll need access to the web app in order to reproduce the problem.

Web app crashes only on iPadOS