Cannot find '' in scope

Can I get some help on this? I believe my struct that I am using is in scope but Xcode is saying otherwise.

Project: React-Native project w/ Swift X-Code Version: 14.3.1

Error: "Cannot find 'SessionWidgetAttributes' in scope"

File/Class: LiveActivity.swift

Problem: Whenever I turn on "Show live issues" the error goes away. When I type in code in LiveActivity.swift Xcode recognizes the struct I am accessing. The error is only thrown when I build. After building the error goes away. It seems like Xcode recognizes the struct when I am coding but when I build it errors out.

Could this be due to some build setting? I have added LiveActivity.swift to my two targets: TestProject and SessionWidgetExtension

The struct I am accessing is in the SessionWidgetExtension target.

Screen Shots:

Any thoughts?

Cannot find '' in scope