External Hard Drive Shows in Finder, But Won't Mount to MacBook Pro When Clicked

TLDR: WD External Hard Drive shows in finder and in NTFS/WD software but won't mount when pressed.

I have two WD External Hard Drives, a 1 and 4 TB Drive. I am a graphic designer and like keeping photography, videos and assets or old projects on other drives so they don't take up space on my computer.

A couple months ago one of my 4 TB Drive wouldn't mount to my computer, and after messing with the WD software that I had installed on my computer for a few hours I gave up and decided to just start saving stuff onto my computer.

While working in Photoshop I got the error that my Scratch Disks were full and that I needed to free up some space, so I tried off loading some undergrad work onto my 1TB Drive and had the same issue. I tried using different cords, reinstalling software, and troubleshooting to no avail. I live pretty far from the nearest Genius Bar so I thought I'd try posting here before scheduling a appointment.

Reminder that I can physically click the "Mount" button, but it gives me loading animation for a second then reverts back to the same "Mount" button as before and the drive doesn't show on my desktop or in my Finder.

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External Hard Drive Shows in Finder, But Won't Mount to MacBook Pro When Clicked