How to make my iPhone app view on an iPad

my app was rejected by this reason:

While we appreciate that your app is intended primarily for use on iPhone, in order to bring your app into compliance with App Store guidelines, all apps designed for use on iPhone must still be formatted correctly and behave properly when run on iPad.

How can I solve this problem without adding iPad as a destination in Xcode.

Answered by EngOmarElsayed in 785278022

I solved this issue. The problem is that one of the apples guidlines is that the app must be displayed on all iOS sizes correctly. Add recently they added all the iOS apps to the iPadOS app with iphoneSE view. so I fixed that by adjusting my view for all the device sizes. Unfortunately, what made me ask the wrong question was some misleading from apple review team. They kept saying you need to adjust the view of the app on iPad and that mislead me a lot.

Why don't you want to add iPad as a destination? That would fix it. You would need to make sure your app looks correct and works correctly (as Apple stated), but that's kinda what you have to do.

Accepted Answer

I solved this issue. The problem is that one of the apples guidlines is that the app must be displayed on all iOS sizes correctly. Add recently they added all the iOS apps to the iPadOS app with iphoneSE view. so I fixed that by adjusting my view for all the device sizes. Unfortunately, what made me ask the wrong question was some misleading from apple review team. They kept saying you need to adjust the view of the app on iPad and that mislead me a lot.

How to make my iPhone app view on an iPad