WebRTC IceCandidates seems weird

Hi there,

I'm currently making a web application using webRTC.

Even though all the SDP info and ICES of caller, callee are well transmitted, the connection was kept failing.

The other devices are functioning well.

However at just Iphone(13), it's not working.

I tried to connect at same network. And it's working.

Therefore I think it's a problem about Ice candidates.

I read similar post to avoid this issue.

And when one of safari's advanced option called WebRTC platform UDP sockets is disabled it's working.

Is there a way that I can connect without tuning options of Safari?



this is one of my Iphone's Ice

candidate:842163049 1 udp 1685921535 50750 typ srflx raddr rport 50750 generation 0 ufrag 7e7f network-id 3 network-cost 900

WebRTC IceCandidates seems weird