Access to External Mechanisms for Subscriptions - How to Resolve This Issue

Dear Experts, My app is getting rejected by the app store review team specifically due to: "Your app includes an account registration feature for businesses and organizations, which is considered access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app"

We have designed an app that solves a problem for businesses and organizations. The business must have the ability to register their new account and enroll in the service through the app. Why would Apple disallow this? My app cannot work if users cannot create an account and enroll. This is very confusing to me. Once users enroll in the app, they must enter credit card information to give access to their employees. Apple will earn revenue when users subscribe. I am confused as to where the issue is. Any advice on how to get around this issue? I see no other way that businesses can subscribe to the app.

Access to External Mechanisms for Subscriptions - How to Resolve This Issue