How to get accurate LTV and/or retention metrics?

Hi, I am diving in App Store Connect analytics / sales and trends and I can't find an accurate way to measure / calculate lifetime value (LTV) of users based on different cohorts?

I also can't find accurate retention data as there is no data populated in the retention graph. It seems that retention is only based on users that have "opted in." This is the message I see:

"Installations and Active Devices only include data from users who have agreed to share their diagnostics and usage information with app developers.

In the last day, 27% of all users that installed "App Name" agreed to share their data."

Am I missing something? Is there a way I can calculate / see user LTV and/or all user retention? Or is there a third party tool that can provide / calculate accurate LTV / retention?

How to get accurate LTV and/or retention metrics?