App Privacy Report "context" & "contextVerificationType"

Hey all, recently I've been inspecting my app's privacy report to look for any unexpected hosts. One thing I've noticed is that for hosts that seem unexpected, like the facebook example below, the context field is populated. For all expected requests, it is an empty string. Here in the docs, context and contextVerificationType are not described in much detail. Could someone provide me with some more detail on how those fields are populated?

My assumption is that these domains are coming from embedded WKWebView's, but I'm not sure how those fields are populated so I cannot confirm my suspicion. Is it possible to have context poopulated without being in a webview?

"domainOwner":"Facebook, Inc.",

Thanks! LMK if I can add any additional details or if this has been discussed before.

App Privacy Report "context" & "contextVerificationType"