How Do We Change Build Number to Match With Our Project Target's Build Number with Xcode Cloud

Is there a way to use the build number that appears in Xcode Project Target's build number when we're deploying to Testflight using Xcode Cloud?

I'm using Xcode cloud for both PR workflows (which also increases the build number in every build for checking whether the build is success or not) and for releasing our app to the Testflight and App Store. When we try to release our app to the Testflight using Xcode Cloud, it uses the build number that we used for PRs but I want to seperate them. I need to use the project target's build number.

I tried to change the build number using Xcode Cloud settings in App Store connect, but it gives an error "The number entered must be greater than the latest Xcode Cloud build number".

I need Xcode Cloud workflow to increment the latest Testflight build number, not the other build numbers that we use only for PRs.

For instance; in my Testflight; the latest build number for v1.0 is 282, I want this to increment by 1 and when I use Xcode Cloud, I want this number to be 283 as it appears in my Xcode project target's build number. But when I use Cloud workflow, it uses the latest PR workflow's build number which is 2866.

I can do this by creating manual builds using Xcode archieve. It takes the correct build number but I couldn't be able to do this by using Xcode Cloud workflows.

How Do We Change Build Number to Match With Our Project Target's Build Number with Xcode Cloud