Xcode Cloud "Environment variable names cannot start with c" error

Over the past few months in Xcode Cloud I've have Environment Variables that have had the prefix "TEST_RUNNER_". In the Apple Documentation it was mentioned that this was correct - https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/110361/.

Environment variables can provide parameters to both the XCTest test runner app on your device and the test host running xcodebuild. In Xcode Cloud, environment variables prefixed with TEST_RUNNER_ get passed into the XCTest test runner. This prefix will be stripped prior to the variable being made available to your code. So, for example, a variable in your test code named BASE_URL would be passed in as the environment variable named TEST_RUNNER_BASE_URL. Test plans require the same format as test code. Namely, we do not add the TEST_RUNNER_ prefix.

As of last week I'm now getting an error when I add "TEST_RUNNER_" in front of my environment variable in Xcode Cloud. Is this a bug on Apple's end or is there a way for me to fix this?

I am facing the same issue on my end, since last week. It was working before. Can't find any updates in the documentation

Xcode Cloud "Environment variable names cannot start with c" error