Cannot modify title of Event in Calendar

Hi, I'm creating a calendar application. I am using the EKeventEditViewController to add events to my application. The problem is that the title of the sheet cannot be modified. When I change a title, the console shows that the title has changed. However, the simulator still displays the previous title; "New Event". How can I fix it?

void (^showEventEditingController)(EKEvent *) = ^(EKEvent * event){
    EKEventEditViewController *controller = [[EKEventEditViewController alloc] init];
    controller.event = event;
    controller.eventStore = [self getEventStoreInstance];
    controller.editViewDelegate = self;
    NSLog(@"%@", controller.title); // "New Event"
    controller.title = @"My Custom title"; 
    NSLog(@"%@", controller.title); // "My Custom title"

   [self assignNavbarColorsTo:controller.navigationBar];
   [self presentViewController:controller];
    NSLog(@"%@", controller.title); // "My Custom title"

Answered by darkpaw in 762955022

This is how I do it in my app - I have to get the title of the navigation bar and change that:

controller.title = @"New Title";
NSArray *array = controller.navigationBar.items;
UINavigationItem *titleItem = array.firstObject;
titleItem.title = @"New Title";

See if that works for you.

Accepted Answer

This is how I do it in my app - I have to get the title of the navigation bar and change that:

controller.title = @"New Title";
NSArray *array = controller.navigationBar.items;
UINavigationItem *titleItem = array.firstObject;
titleItem.title = @"New Title";

See if that works for you.

Cannot modify title of Event in Calendar