"In review" for 4 months

Hello! I realize that mostly other developers are communicating here, however, it's worth trying... Apple ID of our app is 1636352042.

We have not been able to release an update for 4 months now. The last update was on April 26. We are constantly facing very long moderation times (weeks, sometimes over a month). Before that there were a few problems on our side - they are fixed now.

However, we are still in "In review" status for weeks. The longest uninterrupted wait to test just one version lasted over a month. And in the end we still couldn't stand it and uploaded a new version with corrections in the hope of accelerated moderation. The latest update attempt has been in this status for 6 days. The previous version was in review for more than 2 weeks. We submitted a new version 6 days ago, with some fixes, hoping to guess what the problem is and pass moderation faster.

However, we still haven't received any moderation response. We also can't get a call from support for several months - the robot immediately drops our call after connecting to an operator. Or they do not call us at all. I can't even send a written request to Apple Developer support (https://developer.apple.com/contact/) anymore. After clicking on "Submit" the button just stops being active and nothing happens.

More than 100.000 users use our app on iOS. These are not random people, they are loyal customers of our local brand. We receive a huge amount of negative feedback due to lack of updates, we can't fix even the most critical bugs. While everything is fine on Android.

Please step in and help us deal with this, we don't know what to do anymore.

"In review" for 4 months