iOS HTTP/3 not support zero-rtt?

Hi, I have run the system h3 on iphone OS 16.6 by learning this:TN3102: HTTP/3 in your app | Apple Developer Documentation;

However, I have found that the request iOS sending not support zero rtt. When using chrome to request(h3), it‘s doing zero rtt successfully.

So, may I ask if there any plan to support zero-rtt in http/3 ?

PS.The UA:CFNetwork/1410.0.3 Darwin/22.6.0

I have found that the request iOS sending not support zero rtt.

Does the server that you are connecting to support 0-RTT?

@meaton hi, Is there any confirm about the question?

Thank you for the reminder here. I dug in a bit further on 0-RTT support for URLSession and this would be an enhancement request. Please open one and follow up here with your Feedback ID.

iOS HTTP/3 not support zero-rtt?