ipad/iphone 16.6 Safari - RTL text bolded when using "-apple-system" font family

I have a font-family set like this:

font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif;

When checking a html page in Safari on ipad/iphone 16.6. that has a RTL language (e.g. ar-SA) text, it is displayed as bolded although no bolding was applied in the styling.

Note: The issue is not present on Safari Mac.

This wasn't an issue in 16.1. at least, I was able to reproduce it with ios simulator ipad/iphone 16.4. and a real device ipad/iphone 16.6.

Looks like "-apple-system" is causing this, because if i remove it from the font-family then the font looks normal. Has anyone run into something similar?

That sounds like a bug. Can you file a Feedback Assistant bug report and past the FB ID here?

To launch Feedback Assistant on a non-Seed/Beta build, type this URL into MobileSafari, then allow the app to be launched: applefeedback://

Note that your iCloud account needs to be registered as a developer, although there should be an option to do that for free.

Filed a Feedback Assistant bug: FB13097102

ipad/iphone 16.6 Safari - RTL text bolded when using "-apple-system" font family