App Store Guidelines - Adult content

Hello! As far as I know, the App Store does not allow the display of adult content in apps. I have a question about whether it's possible for me to highlight in the app that "This user content has been filtered for the protection of minors and due to App Store policies." Additionally, I want to draw attention to the fact that "To view all content, please log in through a web browser." And on the website, I would provide an option to view adult content (of course, after age verification).

Is this a feasible solution and does it comply with the App Store guidelines? (Imagine it as if the Facebook app doesn't display adult content, but if someone opens from a web browser, then adult content would be accessible.)

Essentially, I'm completely filtering out adult content within the app. However, I'm also indicating where it can be accessed. Is this acceptable?

I definitely don't want to encounter any issues during the app's release.

Thanks, Adrian

Someome can answer me? 😅

We have the same problem. Users often suggest that we should implement age-gating for this content. One surmises that age gating or parental controls are a solution, since big streamers like Netflix are filled with R-rated content yet are in the App Store with a 12+ rating. But Apple is silent on this point. So my question is: If we require a birthdate and then show mature content only to users over 18 or 16 or whatever, would that allow us to put R-rated content in our apps?

App Store Guidelines - Adult content