iPhone 11 Screen Issue

I am writing to complain about an issue with my iPhone 11 screen. I have had the phone for over a year and have taken good care of it. I have never dropped it or gotten it wet.

Recently, I noticed that a line had appeared on the screen. The line was thin and white, and it was located at the top of the screen. The line has been growing slowly over time.

I have tried restarting my phone, but the line has not gone away. I have also tried updating my phone's operating system, but that has not fixed the problem either.

I am concerned that the line is a sign of a more serious problem with the screen. I would like to request a replacement screen for my phone.

I would appreciate it if you could look into this issue and provide me with a solution.

Additional information:

I have attached a photo of the line on my phone's screen.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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iPhone 11 Screen Issue