Copying issue in Mojave

I have a weird issue in an old Mojave based MacBook. The HD drives in the MacBook are 2 SSD. Second drive has replaced the DVD drive. The filesystem on both drives are APFS.

Root volume is called MacBook SSD and second volume is called data.

Now, If I am in Data volume. I can create folders and copy data from other folders into any other folders within the data volume. Likewise, when I am on the desktop, Documents etc. I can copy files between folders.

Problem is arising, when I copy contents from a folder in my root volume into the data volume. It pops up an -36 error and the copying is painfully slow.

Likewise, if I attached a USB HD and copy any content from my external HD to /volume/data, it gives me the same -36 error. But if I copy a folder from /volume/data and paste it into my Ext HD, there is no issue.

So the issue is between inter drives.

I tried the dot_clean /volume/data/any folder name/ in the Terminal and no effect.

I am using windows to type this post and so cant remember the exact words of the error. I remember, the error also mentioned something about ds_store and -36 error number. This happens with all folders. I am unable to copy folders from Root volume to Data vol and vice versa.

Any suggestion??

Many thanks in advance


Copying issue in Mojave