Last ditch effort to use Safari

Safari and I have had ups and downs. More so downs anymore.

I am currently running Sonoma, I KNOW! It's a beta. However, this has been going on for 3 or 4 years.

Speedtest is 477Mbps Up/472Mbps Down with 2ms Ping, 0 Jitter, 0% loss

What I have done already, is update DNS on my router and in system preferences. ~Erased Cache, Erased History ~Ran CleanMyMac X to even clean further ~Removed all extensions or Ad-Blockers ~Tried Terminal ⌘ - defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false (comes back with Could not write domain or existing) *Found there are Safari folders in the Library/Containers folder

The issue is that pages are sluggish sometimes the pages don't load. I have to quit and then restart Safari.

The Simplest task requires a massive amount of work to get down due to the sluggishness.

I would like to disable DNS Prefetching to science if this would help. But I am unsure of the location of this to write it in the terminal.

I honestly stick with Safari due to having used it for years and all my passwords and security are run through it. I have Chrome and Firefox but I guess I need to learn how to move things over and leave Safari in the past

I am not posting this in the normal forums or on Reddit cause I just don't feel like being trolled or given the answer of well stop using it. I am sure others have dealt with this and I tried googling but I have not found a really solid answer. unless my google search is crap. lol

Last ditch effort to use Safari