Unresolved Xcode Cloud Warning After Discontinuing Use


I've recently encountered a persistent warning related to Xcode Cloud in my Xcode project. The project was previously experimented with Xcode Cloud but not now. However, the warnings associated with it are still lingering in my project.

Here's what I've attempted so far to rectify the situation:

Removed Xcode Cloud Workflows: I navigated to the Product menu, selected Workflow, and ensured no remaining Xcode Cloud workflows were present.

Remove from Source Control: I checked the Source Control navigator in Xcode for any leftover branches or configurations related to Xcode Cloud.

Checked Project Settings: I went through my project settings in Xcode, looking for any remnants of Xcode Cloud configurations.

Reviewed Xcode Preferences: I went into Xcode > Preferences > Accounts to verify there were no unexpected configurations linked to Xcode Cloud under my Apple ID.

Checked for .xcscheme files: In my project directory, I inspected .xcodeproj and .xcworkspace package contents, especially within the xcshareddata/xcschemes directory, to ensure no Xcode Cloud-related schemes were left.

Cleared Derived Data: As a last resort, I cleared the derived data associated with my project. Despite this, the warning persists.

Has anyone else encountered such an issue? I'd appreciate any insights or solutions to permanently remove this warning. I believe the option to completely disconnect a project from Xcode Cloud should be more straightforward if it's indeed connected in some residual way.

Thank you.

Unresolved Xcode Cloud Warning After Discontinuing Use