Interactive Widget: unable to reload timeline from AppIntent

My app features two kinds of widgets, let's call them kind A and kind B.

I have both A and B widgets on my Home Screen. When I tap the button on widget A (associated with App Intent), I expect widget B to also reload.

However, if you call WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() inside the perform() method of the AppIntent, the timeline of widget B does not reload immediately. This issue only occurs on a physical device and is not consistently reproducible. On a simulator, however, widget B reloads as expected.


Xcode 15 beta 8 + iOS 17 beta 8

It's all the same behaviour in iOS 17.3 and Xcode 15.2. Do you have any clarification from Apple about your feedback?

Hey guys! Has anyone found a solution to this issue?

My use case is exactly the same as the OP’s. I have two different widgets and need to reload both when updating data using AppIntent on the first widget.

@Hollycene @PavelRydvanskiy

No update :(

I've realized that the system consistently throttles the reload request in this scenario. I've also tried using push notifications to reload the widget but didn't work.

As a workaround, I've set my widget timeline to 15-20 minutes so it reloads itself anyway. I also recommend submitting a new feedback report to Apple, as the original one is outdated.

Interactive Widget: unable to reload timeline from AppIntent