Problem with IAP on iOS - InvalidSignatureException (invalid IAP Security signature)

Hello. IAP stopped working on my iOS app since one of the updates to the store. The updates I was doing had nothing related to IAP but to the functionality of the application only. In the logs the cause stands as:

Invalid receipt, not unlocking content = Exception of type 'UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security.InvalidSignatureException' was thrown." which stands for ". This exception stands for invalid IAP Security signature.

Here is full log


Have you hard-coded the app version in your receipt checking code, and the app version has of course changed in the updates?

Okey. So the problem was with Unity IAP Package I was using. I had to update to 4.9.4 cause it has some recent changes: Using the CrossPlatformValidation (or AppleValidator), receipts will now be validated if their certificate chain is encoded in SHA-256 instead of SHA-1. Old receipts encoded in SHA-1 will still be validated

Problem with IAP on iOS - InvalidSignatureException (invalid IAP Security signature)