xCode Version 15.0 - Simulator Screen Shots for 5.5 inch iPhone

In order to submit your app for review you must provide a screenshot for the 5.5 inch iPhone (iPhone 6S Plus, 7 Plus, 8 Plus). The simulator for these phones is not included in the standard set provided in xCode.

After researching there is a method described where you can download simulator sets for previous iOS releases. I downloaded both the iOS 13 and iOS 14 set but still unable to get at one of the mentioned iPhone simulators.

Has anyone solved this problem short of getting an actual iPhone hardware to do the screen shots on.


You can add the other devices from Window -> Devices and Simulators in Xcode

For an app that requires iOS 17, it appears to me to be impossible to generate 5.5" screen shots from the simulator.

iOS 17 runtimes are not available in Xcode for the 8Plus and earlier devices - I presume they won't run iOS 17.

Hey guys, did you get any solution for generating 5.5" screenshots using IOS 17 runtime?
Runtime 4.2 is not working on macOS 14.

I just made one screen shot with Pixelmator for the required size and added it for the iPhone 8 screen shot. From my understanding iPhone 8 is not supported with iOS 17 so that size screen shot shouldn't be needed for an iOS app that require iOS 17 as a minimum. I have successfully submitted an app to the App Store 3 times now. Also, I am not sure that the current submission process requires the iPhone 8 screen size. I left mine in and it seems to be happy with it. However, I did put a note in the App Review notes to mention the placeholder screen shot added for the iPhone 8.


go to Xcode settings >> platforms >> press + icon >> ios then chose ios 15.0 and download.

Unable to boot simulator iphone 8 plus with ios 15

Create new simulator -> OS Version -> Download more simulator runtimes -> Download & install iOS 16.4

With iOS 16.4 you can create a iPhone 8 Plus simulator, which lets you create 5.5" screenshots.

For X-Code 15: X Code => Settings => Platforms Tap the + in the lower left. Choose iOS 15 and install. From there, launch the 8Plus (or desired simulator) under the iOS 15 > option.

I was able to use the iOS 16.0 runtime with the iPhone 8 Plus SImulator to get my screenshots, which then uploaded fine for the 5.5" screenshots on AppStoreConnect. I downloaded the runtime as others have described "Download more simulator runtimes" and + on the Platforms screen.

You're required to create an image from a phone of this size, but they don't supply a simulator of this size in Xcode.

I swear, it is beyond me why Apple makes it so difficult.

@haxwell RIP Steve Jobs. It's really evident he's not with the company anymore <'3

xCode Version 15.0 - Simulator Screen Shots for 5.5 inch iPhone