Open Mac Calendar on specific date

I have an app that has lots of booking dates. I need a quick way to open the Mac Calendar on the date of the booking just so the user can cross check the dates for clashes. At this stage, I don't need to build UI into my app that shows the dates. What is already in Calendar is sufficient - don't reinvent the wheel.

A long time ago, calshow seemed to be the way to do this. But that seems to have withered away.

Opening a URL with ical:// opens calendar, but not at the date required since there seems to be no URL scheme defined.

I could query Event Kit, but that means building unnecessary UI at this time.

There's possibly a way to do this with Scripting Bridge and probably a way to do this with a call to an AppleScript.

Is there no simpler way to do this in 2023 on a Mac?

Open Mac Calendar on specific date