how to adapt code in project with iOS16sdk for iOS17 system

i am a developer and wanna modify app for iOS17 rather than integrating iOS17 sdk in xcode. (adapt code in project with iOS16sdk for iOS17 system) where can i find the list of iOS17 change list for developer?

i found iOS17 release notes for iOS17 sdk: ios-ipados-17-release-notes, it describes: Update your apps to use new features, and test your apps against API changes.. i seems it describes iOS17sdk changes rather than iOS17 system change. can i extract the change list from it?

It's unclear what you're asking for here. If you mean you want to:

  1. Keep using a version of Xcode that contains the iOS 16 SDK(that is, Xcode 14.x).
  2. Set your deployment target to iOS 17.
  3. Use new iOS 17 functionality in your app.

then, #1 will prevent you from doing #2 and #3. The only way Xcode's build system knows about the iOS 17 functionality is via the iOS 17 SDK.

If you have a different intention, maybe you can clarify why you can't (or don't want to) upgrade to Xcode 15?

how to adapt code in project with iOS16sdk for iOS17 system