iOS 17 - Major regression in parental controls

I know this might not be the exactly correct spot to post this, but I'm hoping to draw attention to a MAJOR REGRESSION in parental controls in iOS 17, in hopes that Apple will quickly release an update fixing it.

In iOS 17.0.0, parents can no longer delete the #images GIF search iMessages app from Apple. This could be removed in prior versions of iOS. Third-party apps can be removed from the Settings app, but not the ones from Apple.

This change is going to expose millions of kids to the possibility of searching for, seeing, and sending ******** graphic images. If you think I'm overstating the case, try searching for "bikini" or "********" in the messages app, and then think about the fact that parents no longer have the ability to prevent their kids from accessing this content.

Please, can someone from Apple respond that hopefully this was an oversight, and will be corrected in a forthcoming release? This represents a huge step backwards for the safety of iOS devices.

Or if there is a better venue to reach out to Apple, could someone point that out to me? Thanks so much!

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iOS 17 - Major regression in parental controls