Xcode 15 (15A240d): Cannot preview in this file

I downloaded Xcode 15, and tried to create a new macOS project. But after it opens up, I cannot see the preview, neither am I able to run the application. I get the following error in the debugger console when I try to run the application:

dyld[4339]: Symbol not found: _$s21DeveloperToolsSupport7PreviewV7SwiftUIE_6traits4bodyACSSSg_AA0D5TraitVyAC10ViewTraitsOGdAD0J0_pyScMYcctcfC
  Referenced from: <B71F07A5-FC93-303C-8B33-1607EA5185FC> /Users/monawwar/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-dndfpagiijwwzvfkoioloexccazm/Build/Products/Debug/TestApp.app/Contents/MacOS/TestApp
  Expected in:     <5CBA1C3F-43C5-3529-8130-C71BAB1413D5> /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUI.framework/Versions/A/SwiftUI


Sorry to hear you are having problems getting macOS previews working. The error you are hitting here is often a sign that you are running a pre-release macOS or Xcode with a different (pre-release or public release) macOS or Xcode. When it comes to the seeds you generally want to make sure the tools you are using match the OS version (including seed version) of the device you are targeting.

Could it be the case here that you have a mismatch, and could try getting them aligned and see if that fixes the issue you are seeing?

Xcode 15 (15A240d): Cannot preview in this file