Error submitting an app on TestFlight: 422 (Unprocessable Content)

Hi, I am trying to submit a current update of my app on testflight, and I am getting this error over and over, tried a couple of times, tried on a different network, and waited for some time to submit again, no success so far.

{appName: 'testflight', payload: Array(1), eventKit: 'logger', env: 'PROD'}

appName: "testflight"
env: "PROD"
eventKit: "logger"
payload : Array(1)0: componentStack: undefined
errorCode: undefined
logLevel: "ERROR"
message: "API Response Error: TF_BETA_APP_REVIEW_RESPONSE"
stackTrace:  "status code: 422 --- api correlation key: 3N5M7T2HNK7WVQMTWTEPXCY7LI"
url: ""

Update: we just found that our app membership was expired, we renewed and it worked.

Error submitting an app on TestFlight: 422 (Unprocessable Content)