QR Code Scanning: Safari loading previously scanned URL while using iPhone camera app

We are using URL encoded in QR code to open our web application. When user scans QR using the default Camera app on iPhone, upon clicking the link iOS opens the webpage on safari browser. Our URL looks like this "https://abc.com?qrdata=1", "https://abc.com?qrdata=2", "https://abc.com?qrdata=3". The URL query parameter(qrdata) differs for different process in the web app. So when so each QR code has same domain but different query parameters.

If the user scans QR for https://abc.com?qrdata=1, the web page is opened on safari without any issue. If user scansQR for https://abc.com?qrdata=2 after the first QR code then for some reason on first attempt Safari is loading the previously scanned URL, in this case https://abc.com?qrdata=1. The change in query params is not received correctly by Safari. If we scan the new QR code twice then works on 2nd attempt to scan the QR. I can see from the history that the URL scanned is not the right url This is issue only on Safari iOS devices, on anyother browser works as expected.

QR Code Scanning: Safari loading previously scanned URL while using iPhone camera app