Xcode 14.3/15.0 Always Regenerates Objective-C Header from Swift Modules

Hi all,

Our Objective-C project has quite a few Swift submodule that are linked with static Mach-O. The submodules are built and used in Objective-C files (.m, .mm) using the syntax #import <MyModule/MyModule-Swift.h>

Since Xcode 14.3 and the early versions of Xcode 15.0, whenever I make any code changes in the .m .mm files (even just a space), all files using the Swift submodules are rebuilt. During my checks, I noticed the generated header of the submodules (MyModule-Swift.h) is regenerated even when its content hasn't changed.

The modification time of the header file leads to the rebuilding of all Objective-C files. Of course, our project has a clean build when importing *-Swift.h in the .pch file, sometimes errors are thrown due to header changes during the build process. This behavior was not present in Xcode 14.2.

More info

I've tried configuring some flags in the Build settings, but they didn't work. Does anyone have any solutions to suggest for fixing this issue and saving our project ? :(


Has anyone encountered a similar issue like mine?

Xcode 14.3/15.0 Always Regenerates Objective-C Header from Swift Modules