Xcode 15 CoreML Simulator Problem?

Hi everyone,

I'm working on an app that uses a CoreML Model to make some predictions. The predicted values are visualized using a chart. It's working just fine when I'm running the app on an actual, physical device.

However, it doesn't work in Simulator. To be more precise, it also used to work in Simulator using Xcode 14 + Ventura + iOS 16. After making the switch to Xcode 15 + Sonoma + iOS 17 yesterday the simulator doesn't show any results for my predictions.

I also receive the following error messages:

Operation not supported on this platform.

MLModelAsset: load failed with error Error Domain=com.apple.CoreML Code=9 "Operation not supported on this platform." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Operation not supported on this platform.}

Do you have any ideas how to fix this? Am I missing something that changed in iOS 17 or is this a bug?

same problem

Xcode 15 CoreML Simulator Problem?