Autofill verification codes received in Mail

As announced for iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma, “One-time verification codes you receive in Mail are filled in automatically, so you can log in without leaving Safari.”

Is there any documentation about this? Maybe for a specific keyword that must be in the HTML email body? I tried it on my website with a verification code sent by email and it didn't work.

I've tried it on two sites I've built, and they are both running the same code. One works, the other doesn't. The only difference is that the one that doesn't work is on a subdomain, so the domain the email is sent from doesn't exactly match the domain the site is on. I tried sending the mail from an address with the subdomain instead, but that didn't help.

Will investigate further :)

Hope others (maybe Apple) could shed some light on the requirements?

Please file a feedback request and attach the full source (*.eml) of an example mail message with a code.

Pasting the FB IDs here will help to locate the issues faster.

I had the same issue with login emails for a popular app, despite using autocomplete="one-time-code" on the HTML input. I filed FB13622248 and included a .eml file containing the email as requested.

I have this issue with

See FB13694084.

Autofill verification codes received in Mail