Developer ID Application requires different entitlement names than other

I had dealt with this in cmake, and then forgotten about it -- now trying my Xcode-only test project, and it won't work, because the profile has -systemextension as a suffix, while the one Xcode generates doesn't.

Am I missing something in how to get Xcode to deal with this?

Answered by Systems Engineer in 767042022

Am I missing something in how to get Xcode to deal with this?

You should be able to alter the profile and the entitlements to match so you don't run into this issue. There is a section about this in our documentation here. And you should be able to alter the entitlements directly if you need to alter then from Xcode.

Accepted Answer

Am I missing something in how to get Xcode to deal with this?

You should be able to alter the profile and the entitlements to match so you don't run into this issue. There is a section about this in our documentation here. And you should be able to alter the entitlements directly if you need to alter then from Xcode.

I have never tried to have a different file used in building based on configuration, but I assume that's what I have to do, yeah?

Although it turns out I have no idea how to do that for the entitlements file.

Ok! Figured it out. This is, however, fairly annoying, but I suspect filing an enhancement request won't go too far.

(It didn't help that I've had a bad headache much of today.)

Although it turns out I have no idea how to do that for the entitlements file.

You should be able to right click on the entitlements file and do "open as -> source code" and alter the file that way.

For one, I duplicated it in Finder; for the other, I saw that Xcode's File menu had that as well, so did it that way. Then I opened them up in vi and changed them. Then I changed the build settings for the two targets, so that Debug and Release use different entitlement files.

FYI, I have a more complete explanation of this issue in Exporting a Developer ID Network Extension. It’s focused on Xcode but the same basic advice works for folks using other build systems [1].

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] You’ll just need to combine it with Creating Distribution-Signed Code for Mac.

It was easy enough to do in CMake, since it has support for processing an input file, and that was so easily done I forgot about it until just now. 😄 (Is there a similar way to do that with the entitlements file in Xcode? I'm thinking not, based on everything.)

Is there a similar way to do that with the entitlements file in Xcode?

Not in my experience, hence the bug mentioned in that post (r. 108838909).

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Developer ID Application requires different entitlement names than other