Seeking help with shortcut

I have very limited knowledge of the shortcut app so I'm hoping someone with more knowledge may be able to help me out.

My Issue: My Synology NAS (connected directly via ethernet) randomly disconnects, etc. I'm having to manually connect to it all the time. Adding the volumes onto the login items works while I'm home, but if I'm not I'll get an error since it's not available.

What I'm looking for: Creating a shortcut that first checks if the ethernet connection to the NAS is live. Then checks if the drive is already mounted, if it is, do nothing. If it is not mounted, mount the drive. Once I get this shortcut, I should be able to run it automatically using shortery. Here's an image I found online of someone doing exactly this but using WIFI as the network. I'm trying to replicate this using ethernet.

Seeking help with shortcut