How do I trust a swift macro target in Xcode Cloud?

I just added my first Xcode 15, Swift 5.9 macro from an open source package that I'm referencing via Swift Package Manager. The first time I compiled locally, I had to trust the macro's package via a dialog box, which is fine for a local build. However, now my app doesn't build on Xcode Cloud, with the error "Target must be enabled before it can be used."

How do I tell Xcode Cloud to trust the macro's target?

Append the -skipMacroValidation option to xcodebuild, or you can also add set it as a default via:

defaults write IDESkipMacroFingerprintValidation -bool YES

Is there a way to explicitly set a specific list of macros that are validated instead of skipping validation for all of them? as the documentation of the option suggests this is a security risk:

-skipMacroValidation Skip validation of macros (this can be a security risk if they are not from trusted sources)

I found the file written when user Trust&Enable the macros.


    "fingerprint" : "eddc1869b37ce42e3b34e72b1e1355d049e73970",
    "packageIdentity" : "swift-composable-architecture",
    "targetName" : "ComposableArchitectureMacros"
How do I trust a swift macro target in Xcode Cloud?