Inconsistent MeasurementFormatter formatted string within UnitVolume entities

Hi! I am currently working on unit conversion in my project, and I've been using in the UI system titles provided by the MeasurementFormatter. I'm unsure if this is their expected usage, but this is very convenient for localization.

However, I've noticed a few potential errors in the MeasurementFormatter.string(from unit:) method values for some units within the UnitVolume class.

Imperial and metric options of some units could have the same title, which should be wrong because they have different coefficient properties from which we can be sure they are different units.

Here is a code example with the potentially wrong duplicate titles:

import Foundation

func title(for unit: Unit) -> String {
    let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
    formatter.unitStyle = .long
    return formatter.string(from: unit)

// 1
title(for: UnitVolume.teaspoons) // "teaspoons"
title(for: UnitVolume.imperialTeaspoons) // "teaspoons"

// 2
title(for: UnitVolume.tablespoons) // "tablespoons"
title(for: UnitVolume.imperialTablespoons) // "tablespoons"

// 3
title(for: UnitVolume.pints) // "pints"
title(for: UnitVolume.imperialPints) // "pints"

// 4
title(for: UnitVolume.fluidOunces) // "US fluid ounces"
title(for: UnitVolume.imperialFluidOunces) // "US fluid ounces"

// 5
title(for: UnitVolume.quarts) // "US quarts"
title(for: UnitVolume.imperialQuarts) // "US quarts"

I suppose examples 1-5 should have different titles. It seems the correct values for such a situation are:

title(for: UnitVolume.gallons) // "US gallons"
title(for: UnitVolume.imperialGallons) // "gallons"

I would be grateful if you could tell me where I can report or get some information about this.

Please file a feedback report ( and share the FB number with us, including your sample code and expectations.

Inconsistent MeasurementFormatter formatted string within UnitVolume entities