Watch Simulators always shows error "This watch face is not available on this watchOS"

I have created multiple faces, i want to test those on different watch series and watch OS. However i am not able to use simulators for that (iOS and WatchOS). To understand the case please do below steps.

  1. From simulator Open Apple watch app and share any face (create your own or share existing)
  2. Share via email or airdrop
  3. Drag this face into simulator again
  4. Error will be shown that face is not available for this device.
  5. If try to apply using below code, same error occur CLKWatchFaceLibrary().addWatchFace(at: url)

I want to know how can i test my watch faces on different versions using simulators.

Did you resolved the problem if yes kindly post it here because im also facing same issue.

Watch Simulators always shows error "This watch face is not available on this watchOS"