Can I "experience" my AR project from Reality Composer Pro on an iPad, instead of the Vision Pro?

Hi all,

I don't have a Vision Pro (yet), and I'm wondering if it is possible to preview my Reality Composer Pro project in AR using an iPad Pro or latest iPhones?

I also am interested in teaching others - I'm also a college professor, and I don't believe that my students have Vision Pros either.

I could always use the iOS versions, as I have done in the past, but the Pro version is much more capable and it would be great to be able to use it.

Thanks for any comments on this!

Reality Composer Pro currently only supports visionOS development.

Thanks Dimitry, greatly appreciate your response.

If there is a list, please add my name as one of those who hope it is made available for all AR development projects. It includes so many of the features and functions that I had hoped would happen to a new version. Cheers!

Can I "experience" my AR project from Reality Composer Pro on an iPad, instead of the Vision Pro?