Call Logs on two devices with same appleid

I have two devices with same account. since IOS 17 installed recent calls are synchronized. I wish this thing doesn't like it as IOS 16.5 is it possible? Please offer an update to reverse this features as I do not wany my work phone to interfere with my personal phone. Please APPLE fix this as I am ready to get rid of my phones because of this. So many users are complaining since this is the first time a feature like this has been turned out without the option to disable. Why would you do this APPLE? Please listen to your community and fix this horrible iOS17 feature.

This is a developer forum, not an Apple user complaint forum. But maybe you have just got the Call on Other Devices feature turned on, which absolutely is turnoff able in iOS 17. I have 7 iPhones with iOS 17 with the same account, the call history is not synchonized on any of them.

Call Logs on two devices with same appleid