MDM Server Token Installing in Our Server

We are creating our own server for MDM, we followed apple suggested approach with following link [] After uploading .pem file in ABM portal, new server token is generating but my question is where we need keep that server token(.P7M) in our there any specific path we have...if we gone through apple documents they are suggesting to follow vendor documentation but in my case we did't take any third party server' we don't have any vendor document.

Can you please help me to achieve this scenario.

This sounds like a question about how to design your MDM server. Ultimately how to store the token is entirely up to you. It's appropriate to use a secure location to avoid the risk of an attacker obtaining the token. The MDM server needs to use this token when it calls into the Apple Business Manager web service. See Authenticating with a Device Enrollment Program (DEP) Server for details on how to use the token. So you can choose any way of storing this token that's secure and makes it available when needed by the MDM server.

where can i get it MDM vendor documentation...

Is is really needed Apple Enterprise Account to develop our own MDM server.

Please help me on above two points

There's a lot of documentation available for people who are developing an MDM server. The main reference documentation for MDM, DDM, configuration profiles, and related technologies is this Device Management documentation. The Apple Platform Deployment guide is intended for admins, and it also contains information that's useful to MDM developers. And there's many individual support articles, and posts on the developer forums.

An MDM implementation requires an MDM vendor certificate. In order to get one you must have either an Apple Developer Program account or an Apple Developer Enterprise Program account.

Thanks for the giving your useful info

We are basically new to this MDM concept how the MDM server has to be implement with this link : [] we did’t find any server side code/commands in the above link.

Please assist me. Where do we begin the process of implementing the MDM server? Where do we go to get in touch with Apple support if we need assistance with MDM?

Help me to provide server side documentation?

MDM Server Token Installing in Our Server