Xcode 15 archiving makes Plugins fail to load

I have a project that has a number of plugins in it. They are compiled and placed in the correct location and the build runs fine in the Debug / Release schemes. If I archive the build with Xcode 15 the resulting build generates a number of errors symbol not found in flat namespace '_OBJC_CLASS_$_XXXX for various classes that are part of the main application including the AppDelegate and other classes. This does not occur with Xcode 14.3.1 or previous versions. It still occurs in Xcode 15.1 beta 1. This happens regardless if I notarize the build with Apple or not.

Has anyone seen anything like this? Any ideas how to resolve it?

My current workaround is to use xcodebuild to compile a Release build and notarize that build.

Xcode 15 archiving makes Plugins fail to load