White Screen App Issue

I wonder if anyone else's users are experiencing a white screen when attempting to log in to your app. This issue is not widespread. Currently, it only affects around 6 of our users(that have reported) out of thousands. This is not an account issue, as I do not have this issue when I test their logins on my device. We have confirmed no accessibility settings are enabled, and they don't have any apps that should block any apps. They have also tested on wifi and device networks with the same issue. They cannot log in to any test accounts we provide either, and we are at a loss for what it could be as we can not duplicate the issue. So we are open to any advice/solutions

Attempting to login to our apps via what mechanism? You don't actually state what the problem is.

Hi there, did you ever get this figured out? We are having the exact same issue and can't troubleshoot since it's only occasional with random users!

White Screen App Issue